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prostate reach try

Tags: prostate reach
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Post Comment From: Anonymous
Anonymous 5 years ago Anonymous

People like this poor man needs to have a release as all men do. That is the nature of being a man. Nevertheless, If someone just did a prostate milking he would be ok and the release will happen without having him to masturbate. I would do it for him and other men that will need it because they being in the same predicament. A man (and you don't have to be gay) or women can do it as a service. They would be greatly appreciative.

dutchjim 12 years ago dutchjim

Hey man, you are sexy. I like your video and please make more. If you want a hand, please contact me I live in San Diego and I'd sure like to help you cum.

deangreen 12 years ago deangreen

I always wondered if I became as you and would someone help me get off.

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