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Married Man & Young lad

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Post Comment From: Anonymous
Anonymous 12 years ago Anonymous

I would excitedly with out one second of hesitation crawl naked for 200 miles over shards of
broken glass and molten lava just for the privlege of partaking of this sooooooooooo hot moist
pubescent virle youngster that he is including his smooth naked body, tight boy hole, cock, nut sack, and partake of the boys endless release of his creamy thick warm boyish nectar juices overflowing my manly eager manly mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hands
lips, tongue, and anxious rock hard throbbing 16inch cock would truly cause me to believe that if this actually happened I had died and gone to heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sex gods were on a roll when this succulent "BOY TOY" was made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!

Anonymous 12 years ago Anonymous

This hot lad would surly light my fire on cold winter nights!!!!!

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