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Angry twink uses his boyfriend

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Post Comment From: Anonymous
hotkarma1 5 years ago hotkarma1

very HOT stuff

Anonymous 5 years ago Anonymous

Liam again deliberately ejaculates massive thick loads of his very thick hot white semen extremely very powerfully and incredibly deep into Kyler's hot body, spilling 20 billion hot sperm into Kyler per thrust on average!!! At Liam's heaviest and deepest thrusts, he ejaculates 80 billion hot sperm into Kyler per thrust!!! Kyler is extremely very heavily pregnant with hundreds of sets of sextuplets plus many sets of triplets!!!

Anonymous 5 years ago Anonymous

Liam deliberately ejaculates massive thick loads of his very thick hot white semen extremely very powerfully deep into Kyler's body, spilling 10 billion hot sperm into Kyler per thrust on average!!! At Liam's heaviest thrusts, he ejaculates 40 billion hot sperm into Kyler per thrust!!! Kyler his extremely very heavily pregnant with hundreds of sets of sextuplets!!!

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